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Magdalenas Botanica

Sex Magick In-Person Workshop


Instructor Sister Reina

Date September 26th

Time 7:30-8:45pm

Location Magdalenas Botanica

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Join us for a night of learning about sex, seduction and love! This class will be taught by Sister Reina who has taught classes for over 10 years on the spiritual scene. If your looking for a safe space to learn privately this is it!

Sex magic, also spelled “sex magick,” is a term used to describe a type of magical practice that incorporates sexual energy and arousal into rituals and spellwork. While the specifics of sex magic can vary widely depending on individual beliefs and practices, it is often associated with various forms of occultism, esoteric traditions, and certain branches of paganism.

This class will cover a range of topics including

1. The history and cultural context of sex magic: This could involve exploring the historical and cross-cultural practices of sex magic, including its roots in ancient religious and spiritual traditions.

2. Theories and techniques: The class might delve into different theories and techniques associated with sex magic, including the use of sexual energy, visualization, meditation, and ritual practices.

3. Ethical considerations: Discussions around the ethical and moral considerations of sex magic, including the importance of consent, respect, and responsibility when working with sexual energy in a magical context.

4. Practical exercises and rituals: Participants might engage in practical exercises and rituals aimed at harnessing and directing sexual energy for magical purposes, such as manifestation, healing, or spiritual transformation.

5. Integration with personal belief systems: The class may encourage participants to explore how sex magic aligns with their personal beliefs, values, and spiritual paths, and how it can be integrated into their own magical practices.

It’s important to note that sex magic, like any form of magical or spiritual practice, should be approached with caution and respect, and practitioners should always prioritize consent, safety, and ethical considerations.


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