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Magdalenas Botanica

Attract Clients/ Llama Cliente Floor Wash


2 in stock


Attract Clients floor wash is a type of spiritual floor wash used to attract positive opportunities, abundance, and prosperity, particularly in a business or career context. It’s typically made with a blend of herbs, oils, and other ingredients believed to draw in beneficial energy and repel negativity. The wash is often used by business owners and entrepreneurs who want to attract more clients, customers, or beneficial partnerships.

Here’s how to use Attract Clients floor wash:

  1. Cleanse your space: Before using the floor wash, tidy up your workspace, removing any clutter or unnecessary items. Open windows for fresh air if possible.
  2. Prepare the wash: Follow the instructions on the product label to mix the floor wash with water. The exact ratio may vary depending on the brand.
  3. Visualize your intent: As you mix the wash, focus your intent on attracting positive opportunities and abundance. Visualize your business thriving and attracting the clients you need to succeed.
  4. Cleanse your space: Mop your workspace floors with the Attract Clients wash, starting from the center of the space and moving outward towards the entrance. Imagine the wash drawing in beneficial energy with each stroke.
  5. Dispose of the wash: After mopping, dispose of the used wash solution. Some people believe in pouring it at a crossroads or in a body of running water to symbolically carry away any remaining negative energy and make room for the positive.
  6. Follow up: You may want to follow up with other attraction practices, such as burning attractant incense, using relevant essential oils, or performing specific rituals or spells geared towards attracting abundance.

Remember, the power of spiritual floor washes lies in your faith and intent. Always use these products with a positive mindset and the genuine desire to attract beneficial opportunities.


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